
This section contains a series of documents bearing information which the Bank places at its clients’ disposal in accordance with existing rules on transparency in banking practices (the Consolidated Banking Law, CICR directive of 4 March 2003, Banca d’Italia’s Supervisory Instructions for Banks).

All documents may be viewed on-screen or saved in printable format. Hard copies are also available at Banca UBAE’s offices in Rome and Milan.

Under the terms of Regulation (EU) 260/2012 establishing technical and business requirements for credit transfers and direct debits denominated in euros, and Banca d’Italia’s enabling directive of 22 February 2013, national euro transfer services have been replaced by the SEPA Credit Transfer (SCT) system as of 1 February 2014.

The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) comprises all European Union Member States which adopt the euro internally and non-eurozone EU countries which nonetheless make payments in euros, as well as the six non-EU states (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Monaco and San Marino) which make transfers in euros. Under the SCT system, cross-border euro transfers within SEPA are subject to the same terms and conditions (timing, pricing, etc.) as apply to their domestic equivalents.


Basic Rules on Transparency in banking practices
Basic Rules on Trasparency in banking practices
Informative Report on PSD 2
Informative Report on PSD 2
Leaflet – your rights when making payments in EU


Information leaflets
Current Account offered to consumers
Current Account offered to non-consumers customers
Bank transfers for consumers 
Bank transfers for corporate customers